Terms and Conditions for the Rental of Cellular Phones,
SIM Cards and Telephone Lines
1. Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. agrees to rent equipment to customer subject to customer’s acceptance of the following terms of use, and by using the
equipment customer indicates his/her acceptance of the following terms:
2. The customer agrees to rent from Talk n Travel Experts, Inc., the equipment for the rates stated in the order form.
3. Rental begins on the start date mentioned below, and ends when either:
a. All equipment is returned to Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. in working order within 5 days of the end date stated in the order form, or
b. The customer has informed Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. of the equipment being lost or stolen and the customer has paid all required fees, or
c. The customer’s account is found to be delinquent for non-return of the rental equipment between 14 – 30 days after the end date of the
rental as stated in the order form, and non-refundable payment of rental and other fees as stated in the order form.
4. Talk n Travel Experts, Inc.’s rates for delivery and pickup of equipment are as stated in the order form. Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. may ship Equipment
within a reasonable time prior to the start date and is not responsible for shipping delays beyond its control. The customer is responsible for providing
all of the delivery information, including exact destination, telephone number, and name of intended recipient. Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. is not liable
for failure of the intended recipient to receive the equipment. In the event that equipment reaches the customer before the start date, no rental fee will
be charged if the equipment remains unused, however the customer is responsible for loss of, theft of or damage to the equipment in accordance with
the provisions of this document. If the customer receives, and uses the equipment before the start date, the rental period will be considered to begin
from the date of the customer’s first usage of the equipment and all applicable fees for rental and services will be charged.
5. Customers may extend the rental period by informing Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. by telephone or email to the number or address mentioned in the
order form, stating the length of the additional period requested. Extension of the rental period is subject approval by Talk n Travel Experts, Inc., which
is not obligated to grant approval, and additional fees may apply.
6. The customer may return the equipment prior to the end date, but rental fees are payable until the end date and any amount paid in advance for
services is non-refundable.
7. If all equipment is returned to Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. by the customer in proper condition within 5 days of the end date, and the equipment has not
been used during the same 5-day period, no additional fees will be payable. In addition to any rental, service, or other fees, late fees of $5 per day
and minimum usage fees will be charged if the customer returns the equipment 6 or more days after the end date, until the actual return of the
equipment in addition to the fee for any service plans subscribed to on the account. Nothing stated in this clause shall affect the rights and/or remedies
available to Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. under any law for a delay in returning the equipment as stated above.
8. Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. reserves the right to reassign a telephone line during the rental period if the equipment has not been used in three months.
Rental fees are still be payable until the end date in such case.
9. The customer agrees to pay Talk n Travel Experts, Inc., all charges set out order form including, but not limited to Talk n Travel Experts, Inc.’s delivery
and pickup fees, charges payable to other operators providing services used, including for international calls, data/internet usage, and charges for any
other cellular services provided to the customer by Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. or its affiliated networks.
10. Any reference to voice or text services in Israel refers only to Israeli providers and does not include other cellular providers that operate within Israel.
Calls, text messages, and data use occurring on other networks will be charged separately at prevailing rates.
11. Use of the equipment outside of Israel, roaming off the cellular network and or calls placed via the incorrect local or international access numbers will
result in a higher per-minute charge, and the customer is liable for all such charges. Free usage is limited as described in the order form, The
customer will be charged additional fees for services not included such as incoming special SMS services, incoming voice mail time, incoming wrong
number calls, directory assistance, or other services. If the customer is charged for a service to which the customer did not subscribe, it is the
customer’s responsibility to inform Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. in order to stop provision of the service and prevent additional charges.
12. Internet access is available on all lines unless requested otherwise. The customer is responsible for all charges incurred while accessing the internet.
13. The customer must immediately report any lost or stolen equipment to Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. at the contact numbers/email addresses provided in
the order form.
14. All usage charges for lost or stolen equipment prior to notifying Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. and subsequent notification to the provider will be charged
to the customer.
15. The customer must immediately report any damage or defect ti the equipment via the contact information given in the order form to Talk n Travel
Experts, Inc. At the customer’s request, replacement equipment will be provided within 6 business days, based on the customer’s availability for
receipt of the delivery, for the remainder of the rental period.
16. Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. is not liable for any costs or damages incurred due to customer’s failure to immediately report lost, stolen, damaged or
defective equipment. Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. reserves the right to charge the customer the full replacement fee and all fees related to the remaining
rental period for any equipment that was damaged and/or defaced due to an act of the customer, regardless of whether said equipment was actually
replaced or whether services were provided and/or used during the remainder of the rental period.
17. Upon acceptance of the terms of this agreement, the customer shall confirm a standing order for charging a credit card for the purpose of making all
payments relating to the use of the equipment rented under this agreement, including the payments mentioned above, and payments for any debt
and/or expense relating to and/or arising from the use and/or return of the equipment which is the subject of this agreement. Talk n Travel Experts,
Inc. shall be entitled to collect all the said charges once a month on a date that shall be determined at its sole discretion, by using the credit card
charge instructions, and the customer hereby consents to such collection. Talk n Travel Experts, Inc.’s authority to charge the provided credit card
shall not prejudice Talk n Travel Experts, Inc.’s right to demand payment from the customer in addition to charging the credit card at Talk n Travel
Experts, Inc.’s absolute discretion. Any delinquent account(s) may be subject to collection fees including any costs accrued in the collection of said
delinquent accounts. Notwithstanding the above, all rental of equipment and services will be charged in advance.
charge instructions, and the customer hereby consents to such collection. Talk n Travel Experts, Inc.’s authority to charge the provided credit card
shall not prejudice Talk n Travel Experts, Inc.’s right to demand payment from the customer in addition to charging the credit card at Talk n Travel
Experts, Inc.’s absolute discretion. Any delinquent account(s) may be subject to collection fees including any costs accrued in the collection of said
delinquent accounts. Notwithstanding the above, all rental of equipment and services will be charged in advance.
18. The customer agrees to pay a deposit at the time of this agreement as mentioned in the order form, as a condition for renting the equipment. The
amount of the deposit shall serve as surety for the rental, cost of the Equipment (in the event that the customer does not return it to Talk n Travel
Experts, Inc. as set out in this agreement), and all the payments and obligations due to Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. from the customer under this
agreement. Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. shall be entitled, at its sole discretion and without prior notice to the customer, to demand the amount of the
deposit for immediate payment, in any case where the customer does not comply with any of the customer’s undertakings under this agreement.
19. The customer undertakes to make lawful and reasonable use of the equipment during the whole of the period it is in the customer’s possession, in
accordance with the provisions of this agreement and in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions for use.
20. Waiver of Privacy Protection: The customer hereby waives the protection of privacy and confidentiality, and confirms and agrees that Talk n Travel
Experts, Inc. may give the customer’s details (including, but not limited to, name, address and telephone number), as well as information relating to
use of the customer’s Equipment, to third-party telecommunications providers, law enforcement authorities or courts of law immediately and that, in
addition, the rental agreement between him and Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. may be sent to such third-party telecommunications providers, law
enforcement authorities or courts of law. Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. shall bear no liability for the use of customers’ information by the recipients thereof
under this agreement.
21. The customer confirms that Talk n Travel Experts, Inc., its employees and anyone acting on its behalf, shall not be liable for any damage, including
special, consequential or indirect damage under this agreement or under any law (hereinafter together: damage).
22. The customer hereby confirms that Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. shall not be liable in any way whatsoever for any damage or expense, direct or indirect,
caused to the customer, his person and/or others because of and/or as a result of use of the equipment and/or its accessories. If the customer’s
chosen plan requires the use, purchase or rental of a device not provided by Talk n Travel Experts, Inc., Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. shall not be liable
for any losses, costs or damages incurred due to incompatibility, non-functionality or other failure of said third party device. Talk n Travel Experts, Inc.
will make reasonable attempts to assist the customer in troubleshooting the problems caused to the Service by third party devices or, if necessary,
provide alternative equipment. However, if the customer refuses the resolution provided by Talk n Travel Experts, Inc., or is unavailable to
troubleshoot the problem or to allow Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. to resolve the matter, the customer shall remain liable for all fees and costs associated
with rental of the Equipment until the Equipment has been returned.
23. The customer declares that third-party telecommunications providers may at any time and at their sole discretion restrict and/or terminate absolutely,
temporarily or permanently, the use of their cellular networks by persons renting from Talk n Travel Experts, Inc., as a result of capacity limitations of
the mobile radio-telephone network, conditions affecting mobile radio-telephone broadcasts, security and/or political limitations imposed on the mobile
radio-telephone network, and similar circumstances that shall justify termination of the mobile radio-telephone services, and the customer shall have
no demand and/or claim against Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. resulting from such termination or restriction.
24. The customer declares that the service provided by Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. depends upon the quality and availability of the services of third-party
telecommunications providers. Such quality and availability can be affected by, among other factors, by tunnels, lapses in coverage, cut-offs in service
etc. and lack of signal. It is clarified that in all matters connected with providing a service to the device, Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. is not liable in any
way for the quality and availability of the network of the local operator. The customer shall be stopped from raising any claim against Talk n Travel
Experts, Inc. whatsoever with regard to the aforesaid.
25. The service provided is for the use of the customer only and it cannot be transferred, with or without consideration to any third party. The Equipment is
the sole property of Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. and may not be transferred to any other cellular service provider/renter. Without prejudice to the
aforesaid, the customer shall be liable for any debts and expenses relating to the customer’s telephone number, whether made by the user or
authorized by him or not, including, but not limited to, calls and provision of data services, until return of the Equipment to Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. or
such time as the Equipment is reported stolen to Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. and to the cellular provider, in accordance with clause 7 above.
26. Accounts: The records and accounts of Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. and/or the records and accounts of third-party telecommunications providers
relating to the Equipment and the services that are the subject of this contract shall constitute prima-facie evidence of the accuracy of their contents
and shall bind the customer.
27. The customer shall return the Equipment at the earlier of the end date or the termination, for any reason whatsoever, of this agreement. Upon its
return, Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. shall check the proper functioning of the equipment and that all equipment has been returned. Talk n Travel Experts,
Inc. may deduct from the deposit paid or add to the balance of the account such amounts as it sees fit at its discretion and which reflect in its opinion
the reduction in value of the equipment that was not returned in proper condition or intact or on time, as specified in this agreement. The customer
shall have no claims against Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. with regard to such deductions. The customer will be charged the full replacement value as
designated by Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. for any accessories that are not returned with the Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. kit received by the customer.
28. Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. shall reserve the right to charge the customer the full replacement value of the equipment as designated by Talk n Travel
Experts, Inc., as well as all applicable fees for rental and service plans active on the account, for any equipment not returned to Talk n Travel Experts,
Inc. within 14 days after the end date in the order form.
29. The order form, together with the provisions and terms of the agreement, reflect the whole agreement between the parties, and no change or addition
has, or shall have, any validity unless they are written and signed by the two parties.
30. All claims related in any way to this agreement shall be decided by the competent courts in New York, to which the parties give exclusive jurisdiction.
The competent court shall decide every claim as stated according to United States law (without giving effect to the rules respective of conflict of law).
31. The addresses of the parties for the purpose of sending notices in accordance with this agreement are as set out in the order form. Any written notice
sent by one party to the other shall be deemed to have been received by the other party three working days after it was sent.
32. The Equipment being rented is owned by Talk n Travel Experts, Inc.. The telephone line shall remain the property of Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. at all
times, and under no circumstances is the customer permitted to change the carrier or the international carrier of the telephone line, or add any
services other than those provided under the conditions of the Order. Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. is entitled to charge rental and service rates as set
out in the order form and shall be under no obligation to match any rate offered to the customer by any other carrier. Voicemail calls are billed as
regular airtime. Unlimited usage refers to a fair and reasonable amount as used by an average individual. Use of the unlimited plans is contingent
upon an individual’s use of the line. Unauthorized use, outside of the detailed terms, will subject the user to additional fees and/ or cessation of
service. If a line’s usage in a single billing cycle is found to be more than three times the average usage per month in airtime minutes and/ or SMS of
an Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. customer, additional charges will be assessed and charged in accordance with prevailing rates available from Talk n
Travel Experts, Inc.
33. Bills are calculated on a thirtieth of a month prorated basis with the exception of the final bill cycle, or any part thereof. Billing takes place between five
and ten days after the billing cycle of the phone, following the return of the phone/SIM card, at which time the customer will be notified as to how to
access the bill online. The bills will be charged to the credit card which the customer has provided. Due to the fact that rentals may span 2 billing
cycles, there is a chance that there will be more than one bill. There will be no duplication of charges. Usage is billed in minute increments unless
otherwise specified.
34. Call data may be received from third party providers at a date later than anticipated, and in this case, Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. reserves the right to
charge for it on a later billing cycle, as it cannot be charged until it is received in full from said third party provider. Customers acknowledge that all use
of the phone during their rental period and until it is returned, including all calls made, are their sole responsibility, even if call data is received at a later
35. Rental charges, the cost of monthly packages and the amount of minutes per monthly package are also subject to a prorated rate, with the exception
of the final bill cycle, or any part thereof. That is, the number of minutes as well as the cost of the monthly packages will be prorated, depending on the
statement date of the phone line of the particular order form, with the exception of the final bill cycle, or any part thereof.
36. Bills will be available in person, via U.S. postal service, or by email to the email address provided by the customer. It is the customer’s responsibility to
advise Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. of a change in email address or any other contact information, and inform Talk n Travel Experts, Inc. if an itemized
bill has not been received, whether via e-mail or otherwise. All bills will be considered final and correct unless reported to Talk n Travel Experts, Inc.
within 30 days of the end of the current billing cycle.
37. Any delinquent account(s) may be subject to linkage fees, interest and collection fees including any costs accrued in the collection of said delinquent